City of Los Angeles Appointed Officials
Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA)
The Chief Legislative Analyst plays a prominent role helping the City Council develop the city’s legislative programs, analyze budgets on behalf of the council, and provide research on legislative matters.
The Chief Legislative Analyst is appointed by a two-thirds majority vote of the City Council. This position is considered one of the powerful positions in City Hall. Currently Sharon Tso serves as Chief Legislative Analyst.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
The CAO helps the Mayor prepare annual city budgets and helps the council analyze the City budget. The CAO also helps evaluate and control financial risk, conduct management reviews and evaluate City departments. Lastly the CAO helps administrate disaster grants.
The CAO serves as financial advisor to the Mayor and City Council, and is the only appointed City officer that reports to both the Mayor and City Council. Matthew W. Szabo is currently serving in the position.
City Treasurer
As part of the Office of Finance, the City Treasurer stewards the City of Los Angeles’s funds and investments. This includes managing the City’s $8 billion General and Special Pool investment portfolio, and cash and debt programs exceeding $50 billion.
The City Treasurer is appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. The current Treasurer Claire Bartels was appointed by Mayor Garcetti in 2016.
She also serves as the Director of Finance, which makes recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the collection of revenue raised through taxes, licenses, fees and permits.
City Clerk
The City Clerk is appointed position by the City Council. Holly L. Wolcott is currently serving in the position.
The City Clerk office has four divisions for each of its main functions:
Council and Public Services Division
Prepares legally required publication notices, including ordinances, documents, and indexes.
Helps maintain a record of all City Council proceedings.
Prepares council committee agendas.
Record Management Division
Maintains archive of all City documents and historical documents.
Election Division
Administers City elections.
Conducts initiative, referendum, and recall.
Land Records Division
Keeps record of the ownership of all real estate in the City.